

If you need assistance with setting up your FiveM client visit the Client Setup page.

In-game support commands accessed in your chat (T) menu or (F8) console:

  • /suggest <message> – make a suggestion or report a bug, will supply your current location to the admins
  • /report <message> – report another player for misconduct or policy violation
  • /admin <message> – page an admin for an urgent issue, if there is no response in 10 minutes please #open-a-ticket in Discord


We use the FiveM built in Mumble proximity voice so a separate application is not required.

Voice is a requirement as well as using press to talk.

To get to these settings press ESCAPE and go into your GTA V Settings to adjust both ‘Voice Chat’ and ‘Keybindings’. Please watch the video for step by step.


Inventory is accessed with [TAB]

It is a grid based system with items of varying sizes which you can drag and drop to arrange and transfer.

There are control reminders at the top in white and pink text.

Left click to select an item, it’s border will become pink.

With an item selected you can perform multiple different actions including:

[E] to use the item

[DEL] or [CTRL-RIGHTCLICK] to drop

[R] to rotate

[1 – 4] Hotkey an item

Hotkeying an item using 1 through 4 keys allows you to use the item while your inventory is closed.

When accessing another inventory like the trunk of a car, you can drag and drop to transfer between them or use [CTRL-LEFTCLICK] for quick transfer.

To give cash to a nearby player, enter in an amount and click “PAY CITIZEN” and then select their ID from the list.

Your cash on hand and your bank account is listed on the left.

While inside a vehicle you can access the “glovebox” or cabin storage by pressing [G]

To access the trunk (if the vehicle has one), walk to the rear of the vehicle and press [E]


Once health reaches zero you will be incapacitated. Armor can absorb all kinds of damage you receive. If your oxygen runs out your health will quickly deplete. Look for items for boosting your energy and damage absorption. If your hydration or satiation runs low, you will start to take health damage and suffer other ailments.

Bleed – treat with gauze, severe bleeds require a hospital visit to treat. Edges of screen will also pulsate red in greater sizes depending on severity.

Pain – temporarily treat with pain killers and visit the hospital to remove completely. There are many white icons for numerous locations. Will cause status effects such as limping for leg pain.
Seatbelt – when icon is present your seatbelt is not secured, you will be at greater risk of injury in an accident

Oil warning – oil pressure is low and the engine will likely fail soon if not repaired.

General Tips

Game Menus
If a cursor is not present, then most in-game menus are navigated using the arrow keys, enter, and backspace.

Use your radial menu for quick actions by holding down ` (or ~) key.

Access your inventory with the TAB key.

Use /taxi to help you get around at first or locate a bicycle rental spot

Local vehicles are locked and only breaking a side window or lockpicking a door will allow you to gain access.

/repair or equivalent radial menu button attempts to start a damaged car. Also repairs fully if at a mechanic shop for a fee.

/mechanic or equivalent radial menu button calls a mobile mechanic for a quick fix for a fee.

Hotwiring is faster if you have a lockpick kit in your inventory.

Car keys are available only for player owned vehicles. Any car stolen won’t allow you to lock it.


The bottom left UI bar on your screen represents your health, armor (if you are wearing any), stamina, oxygen, satiation, and hydration.

Go to one of the grocery stores to purchase food and drink. Access your inventory with the TAB key.

Gauze stops minor bleeding while bandages restore health. Broken bones or severe bleeds requires a hospital or clinic visit.

Are you incapacitated? A timer will begin counting down. You should first try to contact first responders via the distress signal. If no one is available to take you to the hospital or grandmas to revive you, than you can ‘go towards the light’ and respawn yourself. You will lose any stolen or illegal items if you respawn and likely get charged a fee. From an RP perspective and loss of items, you should only respawn if you have no other option.

Use an ATM or visit a bank to deposit or withdraw cash. ATMs limit how much you can withdraw/transfer at one time. Do not walk around with a lot of cash on you.

Want to let your inner criminal free? Purchasing a gun and mugging locals or robbing grocery stores is typically where criminals begin. There is a lot more to do but you will need to explore and ask around to find out what. Keep in mind if no player police are on-duty, local police will respond.

This is an RP server so value your life, be cautious, and plan ahead.


Available ways to make money!

The purple icon on the map represents the job center where you can change your profession at any time. Yellow icons are locations for your current profession. Once selected your map will display different waypoints specific to the job. Typically you visit the job’s locker room to get started with your work vehicle and/or optional clothes.

Most jobs have a special menu accessed with F6. Sometimes there is even more actions performed with other keys.

Fisherman, Miner, Tailor, Slaughterer, Lumberjack
Gathering and crafting type positions that pay well. Requires changing into work clothes at locker location. Offer’s job related vehicles for transport.

Salvage/Tow job for local NPC cars available in F6 menu.

Taxi Cab
Pick up NPCs or citizens to collect fairs

Trucker (CDL Delivery) Job
Run solo delivery tasks. You can complete up to 10 jobs in one run before returning to base. You can return at any point. Damage to the truck or the loss of will be charged to you.

Police Job
RP based position. Right now you can become a recruit but further progression will require a senior officer promoting you. Not a lot of activities unless there are other players online.

Ambulance (EMS) Job
Automated task available to pick up injured NPCs – enter an ambulance and press X. Player revives provide bonus. Requires player interaction.

Real Estate Agent
RP based position. Potential to make money selling properties to players. Currently players are allowed to buy a property without an agent simply due to lack of availability of an agent

Fishing Task
Relaxing way to make some money. If you catch turtles/sharks, you can sell them for dirty money. Otherwise there is a fish buyer.

Crafting of items is based on using a certain item and having the appropriate materials in your inventory. Example is rolling papers and a quarter bag of weed, which will produce joints.

Relaxing way to rob NPC’s hard earned money and sometimes items. Requires gun.

There are multiple heists and robberies that can naturally occur. Be aware AI police will respond if player police are not available.

Chop Shop
Take vehicles to the chop shop to strip valuable components then take them to a buyer to make cash.

They are out there, both production and distribution. The Smoke on the Water shop by the beach is a good starting place otherwise try asking around. For a limited time you can enable all hidden drug locations on the map by issuing the /toggledrugblips command.


Read, understand, and reference our community and in-game policies.